Discovery Samples Set
Discover the full Technique Indiscrete collection.
Eau de Parfum
Indiscrete, Veloutine, Paname Paname, Plaisir d'Amour, Santa Subita, Safran Nobile, Délivre Moi, Monarchy, My Burning Secret, Omnipresence, Saint Extaxe*, Eau de Bruxelles, Eau d'Anvers, Carmel Snow.
Extrait d'Emotion
Forever Amber, Centenaire, Fleur de Papier, Jérusalem, Sanguis Terrae.
Daffodil, Figuele, Polianthes.
Eau de Cologne
Cédrat 672, Lavandor, Néroli 555, Tilleul.
If you wish to purchase one of our fragrances within 2 months after ordering the discovery kit, its price will be refunded from your online purchase. The refunding code will be specified on your order confirmation.